Divosan MH Disinfectant for CIP applications

DiverseySKU: JD-R07451

Sale price$279.055 CLP

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Sludged sanitizer for CIP applications

Divosan MH is an acid-based iodine disinfectant liquid, especially
indicated for use in CIP processes in the food processing industry,
dairy and beverages.

Divosan MH is a unique formulation of a "bi-halogenated" system derived
of iodine, in a strongly acid medium. Divosan MH is a disinfectant
highly effective against all types of microorganisms, including bacteria,
yeasts, fungi and spores.
Divosan MH is designed for use as a terminal disinfectant in
automated CIP systems. Virtually odorless and very low corrosivity
to the concentrations of use, on the materials used in the industry.
Divosan MH does not foam, particularly suitable for disinfection
milk and beverage circuits, tanks, silos, fillers, milking machines
and a wide variety of applications in the food industry.
Divosan MH can be dosed automatically controlled by
conductivity, a property that is also used in the automation of the

• Highly effective disinfectant at very low concentrations.
• No foam and easy rinsing, ideal for CIP.
• Low temperatures of use.
• Divosan MH solutions can be recovered and reused.
• Acid formulation, descaling effect, even when working with
hard waters.
• Economical, use concentrations with high performance.
• Can be controlled by conductivity.
• Low impact on effluents, does not contain phosphorus.
How to use
Divosan MH is used at concentrations between 0.10 and 0.50% w/w
depending on the type of application.

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