Divosan Forte Disinfectant with peracetic acid - (20KG)

DiverseySKU: JD-101101108

Sale price$111.144 CLP

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Disinfectant with peracetic acid. Bactericidal, fungicidal, virucidal

Divosan Forte is a highly effective, acid-based oxidizing disinfectant
peracetic acid, with 15% active, for use in all food processing industries
food and drinks.

Divosan Forte is a non-foaming, stabilized peracetic acid solution.
totally biodegradable. It is highly effective on all types of
microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungi, spores, and viruses. I don't know
Know resistant microorganisms.
Divosan Forte is specially formulated as a terminal disinfectant, not
produces foam, it is particularly suitable for use in processes of
automatic circulation CIP. It also has deodorizing and
stain removal.
Divosan Forte is indicated for the disinfection of areas where animals live
temporarily or permanently: cage trucks, sheds, boxes and corrals; with the
purpose of preventing the spread of infectious diseases, including those
caused by viruses (eg, foot-and-mouth disease).
Divosan Forte due to its high effectiveness allows its use at room temperature
and low contact times. Divosan Forte solutions are easily

• Wide spectrum of action.
• Product with a high concentration of assets and optimal cost in use.
• Effective and versatile. It can be used in breweries, dairy, soft drinks and
other food processing industries.
• High oxidizing power, which helps in the removal of residues.
• Low environmental impact. Decomposes into harmless materials for you
effluent treatments.
• Suitable for soft or hard water.
• Does not generate foam.
• Effective at low application temperatures.

How to use
Use Divosan Forte at concentrations between 0.04 and 2% p/p (0.03-1.8% v/v),
depending on the type of application and contact time (10-30
minutes at room temperature). Rinse surfaces with potable water afterwards.
of applied.
Veterinary use: dilute 3 to 5 g of Divosan Forte per liter of water. This solution is
applied by spraying on the surfaces to be disinfected (in the absence of the animals),
after washing them in the usual way. No need to rinse afterwards
of your application.
Divosan Forte solutions must be prepared observing the
Necessary precautions that accompany the products indicated as oxidizers
and oxidizers.

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