Alkaline Detergent Suma Carbon Remover Anti Grease (10L)

DiverseySKU: JD-7514072

Sale price$75.565 CLP

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Suma Carbon Remover K21 is a liquid detergent for soaking specially formulated to achieve excellent removal of grease, food residues and charred dirt from oven trays, pots and pans.

Suma Carbon Remover K21 is an alkaline liquid, suitable for soaking heavily soiled utensils and equipment. It contains a mixture of sequestering agents and alkaline components that facilitate the removal of grease, food residues and charred dirt. Recommended for use with Soak Tank as part of Diversey Care's 'Soak or Dip Cleaning System'.

• Softens and lifts grease and burnt-on dirt without rubbing.
• Regular use removes dirt that can accumulate and become charred dirt.
• Effectively cleans parts of grills, oven and fryer racks, filters, etc.
• The use solution is not classified
• Suitable for most metals, such as aluminum
• No need to use hot water
• The solution can be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a maximum of 4 weeks.

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