Plaza Plus Sealant Wax - (19L)

DiverseySKU: JD-5104933

Sale price$292.026 CLP

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A long lasting, high gloss sealer/finish formulated specifically for hard floors.

• Better performance
Its improved formulation is easier to apply: easier advancement of the applicator for more consistent results

• Faster drying
50% Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) reduction and significant odor reduction Meets California 2011 Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) requirements

• Easy to use
One product seals and finishes Can be applied, maintained and removed like any conventional finish Offers excellent adhesion to new or worn stone floors. Apply by mop and maintain with 175-1500rpm equipment

• Versatile
One product solution for various stone substrates including marble, Venetian flooring, granite, slate, quarry tile, brick, unglazed ceramic, terrazzo, cement and others. Excellent leveling and bright appearance, which can withstand high traffic loads

• Designed to
health establishments
food services
Retail and wholesale stores
Cleaning companies (cleaning)
government buildings
industrial warehouses

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